How to locate a pool leak

Finding or locating a leak can be tricky but their are some methods that can narrow down the search. Work smarter not harder right? We agree with this and that will keep us doing leak detections longer with the help of our friends that need a leak located. It first all starts with the observation of much waterloss per day? The next step would be to do any observation that might narrow down whether the leak is coming from the pool or spa or trough or water feature. Sometimes doing this alone solves the problem. Turn the system OFF and see what loses water..After some intuitive observations are done maybe you have the leak narrowed down to the spa? Lets say you do and the spa drains halfway down below the jets and the only thing left would be the light or the drain..well you could put a plug in the drain and fill the jacuzzi back up and if it holds water now it is most likely the drain. If this is the case drain leaks can be the toughest to pinpoint so unless you never use your jacuzzi and can live with a plug in the drain and not use the jacuzzi in jacuzzi mode it is time to call a leak detection specialist to pinpoint where the leak is..Hopefully this information here can help you narrow down where your leak is and potentially solve the waterloss issue for good!


Common Pool Leaks


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