3 Leak Tips for the colder months
Have a pesky leak during the colder months? We are here to help.
The best case scenario would be to call up Aquaman Leak Detection and schedule us to come out and do our thorough patented leak detection and locate and potentially stop your leak. However, we know folks do not always have the time or money to deal with a leak & we are here to help regardless.
Tip #1 When the weather is colder your pool is naturally cleaner. When the water is colder it is more caustic and not as many chemicals are needed and the pump does not need to be ran as long to prevent the pool from turning green. Some leaks slow way down when the pump doesn’t run so this tip may really help you by simply running your pump less!
Going with tip #1 is tip #2.. change the way your system operates.. many systems out there are unique so get to know your system a little bit or rely on your trusty pool guy for this. Sometimes altering the way a system runs or does not run can really cut back on the leak problem in your pool. water features leak often try turning those off and see if the amount of waterloss in your pool slows down.
Tip #3 Focus on what you can use in your pool. Sometimes a bad check valve and a leaking pool will prevent a homeowner from using the spa for the entire winter.. what a bummer !! no hot jacuzzi on cold winter nights sounds terrible. When you know a little about your pool system you could run the jacuzzi with a new check valve and enjoy that jacuzzi all winter.. if you don’t know or understand your system you might just assume your jacuzzi has a leak and are unable to use it which unfortunately we see happen often!
Have a question during the winter about your pool leak? Hit us up!
Let’s all try our best to save water out there!!